Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Family Travels

We had planned to go to Charleston--and thanks to Julia's oral exams being scheduled much later--she was able to join us! We had good weather and a great time. Steven especially appreciated having his food buddy with him to hit all the hot spots (Jeni's, Brown Dog Deli, Fuel Charleston). We enjoyed Folly Beach too; there is a cool lighthouse there. Benjamin was on call for work so he couldn't join, but did go biking in St. Paul. :) Mom made it home safe and sound and had a wonderful time. They saw and experienced some beautiful places--kudos to Emmie and Laura for an amazing itinerary.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Exam Results and Easter Bunnies

Big news for Julia--she passed her written exam unanimously with the committee. Next up will be the oral examination most likely in late May. Sharing pictures of her with her band, Benjamin and Elizabeth, and hiking with friends along the Mississippi River. 

Meanwhile, Meme made her way to NYC and had dinner with Sue, Joe, Sam, Nick, Laura, and Clarkson. They are off to Italy to visit Emmie.

I had the pleasure of spending Saturday with two little bunnies that bring pure JOY! Victoria and Margaret are the cutest. They were happy to observe the other kids collecting the eggs. It was nice to catch up with Vera in person. 

Easter sunrise service at the Lincoln Memorial was a bit chilly but such a blessing for the soul. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Snow, Pageant, 10-Miler

St. Paul is still in the throws of winter and snow. Julia has been busy with school. Here in DC we are past peak for the Cherry Blossoms and enjoying almost summer-like temperatures. Last weekend mom performed in the Easter Pageant at Immanuel Bible Church (all sold out shows!). Don was in town for work and spent time with Steven and Tony. I ran the Cherry Blossom 10-miler--slow and steady. Perhaps my pace would be quicker if I spent less time taking photos along the way. :)