Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Senior Olympics and Band Gig

Julia and her band, Large Boulder the Size of a Small Boulder, had a gig this past weekend. Fun! Pictured below are her yummy-looking pork chops. I'm always pushing protein, protein, protein. It should be eaten at every meal and I like it when she sends me proof. :)

How many people can say they are competing to be in the Olympics? Not many, but Meme can! Her 80s+ women's team, NOVA United, won GOLD at the Maryland Senior Olympics qualifier. Now, it is on to the national competition. Check out the uniform! So proud of her! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Sphunge Islands

Check out the beautiful pictures from their camping trip with friends Lia and Mike. They canoed and camped the Sphunge Islands in Kabetogama Lake, which is in Voyageurs National Park.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Time with Family and Friends

Benjamin was back from Alaska for the week. They went camping near Duluth with Lia and Mike--hardcore roughing it. They had good weather and a good time. While Tony was at the lake with Ethan and his friends, Lisa, Kathryn, and Mom came over. The cats benefited the most from Kathryn's dedicated playtime. Check out Mom's basketball uniform! Senior Citizen Olympics--here she comes! Julia captured Booberry hogging the FaceTime screen. She misses Julia and is so confused when she hears her voice but can't find her. :)

Monday, August 8, 2022

Deep Creek Fun and More

Steven sent Julia some biking gear for her birthday--hearing that she was interested in beefing up her biking game was music to his ears. Julia was in New Hampshire for the weekend, so she could not join us at Deep Creek. It was nice to spend time with Laura and Emmie, whom we don't get to see often enough (and Ethan's girlfriend Bri, too). We went to the Oakland Farmer's Market, Steven and Kathryn played monkey in the middle with Jade, and we deep-fried a 19-pound turkey (the bigger the better). It was nice to visit Kathryn at the Creamery (her last shift for the summer). The weekend concluded with a wonderful visit with Miriam and Katie--so sweet.