It has been a busy fall already. Julia biked to some community urban gardens, went to the Renaissance Festival (ate turkey legs!!!!), and is now at her WAIS workshop presenting her research.
We met with Jason, a real estate agent, for Chad's condo; it felt like another goodbye as we gathered the last few things from his place. Chad would like Jason.
Mom spent her actual birthday with Regina--a fantastic picture of them both. Beautiful.
And in the District, Elizabeth is back at Georgetown; Steven and I have both had the pleasure of running into her around the neighborhood, as well as having her over. Below is a picture of her at a hockey game (doing homework); I had run into her when she was on her way to the game.
Lastly, as a way of encouragement to anyone out there and also for the record, Steven and I finalized all of the trust, wills, last testaments, directives, etc., documents last week.