Monday, August 26, 2024

Colorado Research and Fun

Julia went to Colorado to the National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility to follow up on research for the ice cores they collected this past summer at Mount Waddington. Her toes nearly got frostbite. In addition to scholastic progress, she was able to spend time with friends and family, including Ethan and Elizabeth! Worlds colliding, Julia introduced them over dinner. Now, she is back in St. Paul; pictured below are the usual steak bowls for her and Benjamin. 

Meanwhile, Mom is in New Hampshire, spending time with family and getting spoiled with pies.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Weekend in Virginia

Virginia was the place to be this past weekend! We visited Mom, and she is doing GREAT! The dogs are very attentive to her (except when they think the fox is nearby!). 

Lisa and Tony went on a Harley-Davidson adventure in Virginia. They captured amazing views of the Blue Ridge Mountains as they road on Skyline Drive (the 105-mile National Parkway that runs the entire length of Shenandoah National Park). Contact Lisa for actual photos. ;)


Congratulations Benjamin

We are so proud of Benjamin! He graduated from Officer Training School. Julia joined the Saunders for the ceremony in Alabama. While he awaits helicopter training in December, he'll be back to flying with Atlas (and back with Julia!).

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Studs and Surgery

Our last hurrah before Julia jetted off to Montgomery, AL, for Benjamin's graduation (next blog!). Julia and I went to Studs to get a few piercings. I got three in a row (top helix area) to matchy-match with Julia. She pierced the flat helix area of her ear with a cute heart. 

Meanwhile, Mom had successful foot surgery and is recovering well. Nothing will keep her from her upcoming travels and busy schedule. What a trooper!

Also pictured is Booberry's protest while Julia was packing. 


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Tribe Reunited

Julia came home! We saw Back to the Future at the Kennedy Center, celebrated our birthdays, had a few FaceTime chats with Benjamin, shopped, and visited some of the monuments. Julia made 3 different salad dressings. (Steven's daily salads needed upgraded, healthy dressing options.) No judging Booberry, just calling like it is... the girl is always hungry and always eating. LOL