Over the Thanksgiving holiday, we had time to spend with close family and dear friends. At times, the waves of missing Chad were overwhelming... thinking of how he would react, comment, or contribute to a situation. He would have totally made fun of me for bringing a huge salad to Thanksgiving and would not have had one bite. Alternatively, he would have loved the Buckeyes and probably insisted on taking home any left over.
We spent time with Don, Laura, Dakato, and Skyler; they are fun and always up for an adventure. It was nice to see all the Hines and meet some new friends too. Laura and Emmie did an amazing job with Thanksgiving dinner. Everything was delicious. We saw Shucked on Broadway; hysterical! We were fortunate to have Benjamin with us this year. Back in DC, we spent time with the Mindels. It was so nice to see Miriam and Katie. Julia also caught up with childhood pal, Jessie, and her step-sister Emma. The last picture is Steven taking Julia to the airport... :(